Useful links
Licensing and Access
WRF is public domain software.
The current version of WRF on Archer is 3.7.1, with all the patches applied. Two configurations have been built for use on Archer: one with dynamics only and one with chemistry.
Versions 3.5.1 and 3.6.1 are still available.
Dynamics only
The ARW model is provided (em_real) with basic nesting and distributed memory (MPI) + shared memory (OpenMP) parallelism. WPS has been built with GRIB2 support, and with distributed memory parallelism. Both packages have been compiled with the Cray compiler, and will run on the compute nodes only. Access this configuration with
module load wrf-wrf_wps_chem/3.7.1_build1-em_real-basic_nesting-dm+sm-cray-s
Run all of the WPS and WRF executables with aprun, e.g.
aprun -n 8 geogrid.exe aprun -n 1 ungrib.exe aprun -n 8 metgrid.exe aprun -n 8 real.exe aprun -n 24 wrf.exe
and set the OMP_NUM_THREADS variable to 1 if you are not wanting to
use multiple OpenMP threads. You should experiment with combinations
of OMP_NUM_THREADS and the aprun -n
, -N
and -d
options to find an optimum for your particular
simulation. ungrib.exe
is serial, and requires
aprun -n 1 ungrib.exe
Once the module is loaded, the packages are in
with the executables in
You may have scripts that are written to run in the WRFV3
directory, and use relative pathnames
(e.g. ../WPS/geogrid.exe
). These scripts will need to be
modified to use the variable $WRF_WRF_WPS_CHEM_DIR
The ARW model is provided (em_real), as for the dynamics only configuration, with WRF-Chem (currently without KPP), basic nesting, and distributed memory (MPI) parallelism. WPS has been built with GRIB2 support, and with distributed memory parallelism. Both packages have been compiled with the Cray compiler, and will run on the compute nodes only. Access this configuration with
module load wrf-wrf_wps_chem/3.7.1_build1-em_real-chem-basic_nesting-dm-cray-s
Access the packages and executables using the same environment variables as in the dynamics only case.
Geographical data
The geographical data is in $WRF_GEOG
. Note that this
data has the updated Iceland land use files. The old Iceland files
are no longer provided on Archer since version 3.6.1. If you require
these for version 3.6.1 and onwards, please contact the helpdesk.
Only one WRF utility has been provided, wrfout_to_cf.ncl