Frequently asked questions (and answers) to support transition to ARCHER2
When, exactly, does the ARCHER service close?
- The ARCHER system has been extended until 17th June, but may be extended further.
- Details of exactly when the ARCHER service will close and the ARCHER2 service will be launched will be provided by UKRI in due course. Users will be given 2 weeks' notice of the ARCHER end date.
Where is all my data stored at the moment?
- Data can be stored on the /work file systems, the /home file systems and on the RDF file systems (/general or /epsrc).
- You can check where you have data by logging into the system or by looking at your usage within the ARCHER SAFE
- Data on /home and /work will be inaccessible once the ARCHER service has closed.
- Data on the /nerc on RDF is now unavailable since February 2020.
- Data on the /general RDF file systems will be unavailable once the ARCHER service has closed.
- Data on the /epsrc RDF file system will continue to be accessible after the ARCHER service has closed (see below for more details).
How should I transfer my data from ARCHER?
- Advice on transferring data off the ARCHER or RDF file systems can be found in the ARCHER Data Management Guide.
What happens to my data on /work and /home. Can you copy them onto ARCHER2 for me?
- We are currently looking at options for this for the /home file systems. You should assume for the moment that you are responsible for the data you have on the ARCHER service and that it will not be automatically copied across.
I am the PI of a project, how can I ensure all the data from my project has been copied off ARCHER file systems before the end of service (including that of other participants in my project)?
- You can use the SAFE to mail all users in your project reminding them that they need to transfer all their data off the ARCHER file systems before the end of service. Information on how to do this can be found in the SAFE User Guide.
My project is due to end after the end of ARCHER - will all my data be transferred to ARCHER2 automatically?
- We are currently looking at options for this for the /home file systems. You should assume for the moment that you are responsible for the data you have on the ARCHER service and that it will not be automatically copied across.
Will I, or the ARCHER service, be able to access my data on the /home and /work file systems after the service has closed?
- No. Once the service has closed the data will not be accessible, the drives will be powered off and removed from the machine room. This will happen immediately after the service has closed.
Will I be able to access the RDF after the ARCHER service closes?
- Data on /epsrc: you will continue to have access to data on the RDF after the ARCHER service closes via the RDF Data Transfer Nodes (DTNs) and the Data Analytics Cluster (DAC). Details on how to access these can be found in the RDF User Guide.
- Data on /nerc: is no longer available since February 2020.
- Data on /general: please contact the ARCHER helpdesk to discuss your requirements.
- Projects outside of EPSRC remit cannot have access to the RDF.
Time allocations
I have an ARCHER time award that extends beyond the end of the ARCHER service. What happens to any unused kAUs on my account when ARCHER closes?
- UKRI will set budgets for ongoing projects on the new ARCHER2 service. You will hear directly from UKRI or the ARCHER2 service with details on this once the budgets have been set.
- UKRI aims for allocations for ongoing projects on ARCHER2 to enable the same or more science as on the old system.
I have urgent deadlines in Q3. Is there somewhere else I can continue to run my simulations during the potential downtime between ARCHER and ARCHER2?
- You should approach your appropriate UKRI research council HPC contact with requests for alternative HPC access arrangements. For EPSRC remit projects, the contact is Kieran Jarrett, and for NERC remit projects, the contact is Frances Collingborn.
Will I still be able to access my SAFE account after ARCHER closes?
- Yes, you will still be able to access your SAFE account and look at your historical use of the ARCHER service.
I am the PI of a project that had access to ARCHER and will have access to ARCHER2. Will I be able to run reports that cover both ARCHER and ARCHER2 services to show combined usage or do I need to run them separately and combine the results?
- Although you will be able to run reports that cover use on both the ARCHER and ARCHER2 services, it is recommended that you run reports separately to avoid confusion between the resource used on different services.
How do I get more information and/or support?
- Please contact the ARCHER/ARCHER2 service desk for more information or for further support.
Will the helpdesk be available after the ARCHER system closes?
- Yes, you will be able to contact the ARCHER/ARCHER2 helpdesk
If you cannot find the answer to your question then please do not hesitate to contact the ARCHER Helpdesk.